Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih.

The First Vice-President of the Republic, (Gen.) Bakri Hassan Salih  was briefed  on security situations in Sennar State, particularly after reconciliation  made following   incidents occurred recently at Ad-Dindir area.


 The First Vice-President was informed  during meeting at the Republican Palace  Wednesday  with Wali(governor) of  Sennar State, Dr Abdul-Karim Musa  on the state readiness for harvesting season.


 The Wali  said  in  press statements that the total areas cultivated  with sesame  and other crops  reached more than  five million feddans , indicating  that the Ministry used  up-to-date agricultural technologies  this season.


 He  affirmed that he briefed  the First Vice-President  on the State efforts to  ward off  impact of floods which hit  the  Sennar State and affected  over 1100 villages ,stressing that  the state  has taken  measures  for addressing the environment issues in collaboration with  the neighboring states  to exert concerted efforts for finding  solution  to the issue.


Wali of Sennar Stated further added that  he informed  the First Vice-President  on reconciliation  made  for containing   incident occurred recently at Ad-Dindir area, disclosing that the issue has been solved and that  the culprits  and sedition instigators  were sent to  prison.


 He stressed that life in the area returned   to normalcy.