Greek Finance Yanis Varoufakis

Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis has moved forward to Saturday a planned trip to Paris that launches the new anti-austerity government's search for EU allies, his office said.
"The minister will travel to Paris on Saturday instead of Monday," a spokesman told AFP, adding that Varoufakis was expected to hold meetings on Sunday.
Varoufakis, a maverick economist opposed to fiscal cuts, was originally due to meet with French counterpart Michel Sapin and Economy Minister Emmanuel Macron on Monday afternoon.
His new schedule was not immediately available.
The new government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was elected Sunday on a promise of renegotiating Greece's unpopular EU-IMF bailout and erasing half the country's debt.
Tsipras is also visiting France and Italy next week in the hopes of securing support for his policies, but EU paymaster Germany has already ruled out a debt cut for Greece.