Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras

The Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, has arrived in Moscow for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin at a critical time for Athens.
Tsipras' government is embroiled in negotiations over its bailout and could run out of funds within weeks.
The two are expected to discuss ties between the EU and Russia, which were badly strained by the Ukraine crisis, according to the (BBC).
But Russia has too many economic problems of its own to rescue Greece.
Before his arrival, Tsipras described the sanctions imposed by the EU and US on Russia in the wake of its annexation of the Crimea as "a road to nowhere".
Russia imposed a ban on many western food imports in retaliation, but Agriculture Minister Nikolai Fyodorov has said the government could consider removing three countries, including Greece, from the embargo, Russian state media reported.