Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was invited Tuesday to visit Russia in early April.
The visit is significant as it comes weeks after Tsipras is set to conclude a much-anticipated visit to Germany. German news agency DPA reported today that Tsipras accepted yesterday an invitation by German Chancellor Angela Merkel to visit Berlin on March 23. Bilateral relations between Germany and Greece have soured since Tsipras came to power.
On one part, Germany is adamant that Greece must continue with its austerity measures if it's to receive further bailout money from its creditors. On the other side, Tsipras is determined to reduce budget surplus targets which require more spending cuts and tax hikes , which basically scraps the austerity plan.
The Greek prime minister was originally scheduled to visit the Russian capital on the occasion of the 70-year anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe on May 9, but his visit was brought forward upon a Greek government request.