Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri commented Saturday via \"Twitter\" on Hezbollah\'s Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah\'s Friday speech, considering that it drags Lebanon further into Syrian fire. \"What happened in Ruwais is surely an ugly crime, but Hezbollah\'s war in Syria is a crime as well,\" said Hariri. He added that if Hezbollah plans to combat the \"Takifiris,\" it has to consult with all the Lebanese instead of initiating its own war to the interest of Bashar el-Assad! Hariri went on to note that Hezbollah\'s logic is reminiscent of the United States\' pretext for invading Iraq, namely that of mass destruction weapons. \"Nasrallah is laying the foundation for a tense neighborhood with the new Syria,\" said Hariri. Hariri stressed that the \"State\" alone is the common ground for everyone, and the Army is the one to solely represent and protect all Lebanese, regardless of their sects, religions and regions. \"Sedition is the essence of terrorism; it is the most dangerous kinds of terrorism,\" stated Hariri, considering that Nasrallah\'s speech did not break the cycle of tension but only serves to drag Lebanon further into the Syrian blaze.