Former Lebanese Prime Minister and Leader of the Future Movement MP Saad Hariri has refuted accusations made by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah who had claimed that the Future Movement had dispatched fighters to help Syrian rebels, affirming that Nasrullah is leading Lebanon to danger. In a statement released by his press office last night following a televised speech delivered by Nasrallah, Al Hariri said: \"These accusations are a fabrication.\" \"It seems that Sayyed Hassan has exerted a huge rhetorical effort to justify engaging in this path and to beautify the political goals of the participation of Hezbollah fighters in the Syrian war,\" Hariri noted. \"But Sayyed Hassan was not successful or eloquent in attributing the crimes his party is committing in in Syria to the Future Movement and in his claims that the movement is sending fighters and burying the dead in Syrian territory,\" Hariri also said. He added that \"Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah sought to replace the entire Lebanese state with Hizbullah\'s Shura Council and to prove once again that he does not acknowledge the state and its institutions, presidencies and armed forces, because he only acknowledges one authority: the authority of the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Sayyed Ali Khamenei whom he visited in Tehran, held a meeting with him and returned with a Fatwa to fight alongside Bashar Al-Assad\'s troops.\"