King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa patronised, at Sakhir Palace today, the celebration marking the anniversary of the establishment of the modern state of Bahrain as an Arab and Muslim country in 1783 by its founder Ahmed Al-Fateh, the 46th Anniversary of its accession to the UN as a full member and the 18th Anniversary of HM the King’s Accession to the Throne.

His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, and the Malaysian Prime Minister, Dato' Sri Haji Mohammad Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak, were also present.

On arrival of the Royal convey, which was accompanied by a constellation of cavalry, the artillery fired twenty-one rounds to salute to HM the King.


The Malaysian Prime Minister extended sincere congratulations to HM King Hamad on the glorious National Days, wishing the Bahrain and its people further progress and prosperity, and the Bahraini-Malaysian relations more progress.


After the national anthem and a recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran, HM the King delivered the following keynote speech:


“In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate

“Praise be to God, prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah, our Prophet Mohammed, and his family and companions,

“Our esteemed guest His Excellency Dato’ Sri Mohammed Najib Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia,

“Your Highnesses, Excellencies,

“Distinguished guests,

“Peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you,


“We would like at the outset to congratulate everyone on this glorious National Day, and celebrate the anniversary of the establishment of the Bahraini state, which witnessed its blessed start more than two hundred years ago, at the hands of our grandfather the leader Ahmed Al Fateh. Its authentic identity was forged on the strength of its honorable leaders, to preserve, to this day, its glory, civilizational approach and civic values, with the help of loyal citizens who further raise its status and advance towards its prosperous future, with the blessing of God Almighty.


“We find no better occasion that this to affirm our commitment to our national principles based on unity, depth of belonging and tolerance of coexistence, which protect Bahrain, thanks to God and the vigilance of its people, against the forces of destruction and division, and drive it non-stop towards new horizons of development.


“To cherish the country's status and celebrate its achievements, we must thank God for His generosity, and commend ourselves on the country's comprehensive and balanced renaissance, with "Centennial Achievement" as its theme, and "Loyalty and Excellence" of its sons and daughters as its pillar.


“Today, Bahrain is at the forefront of the global development race according to performance indicators in all fields of work. This is an incentive which makes us, with God’s help, advance with the same strength and determination to continue the blessed journey of our development.

“We are pleased today to welcome with you our distinguished guest, His Excellency Dato’ Sri Mohammed Najib Abdul Razak, Prime Minister of Malaysia, and thank him for joining us in our National celebrations. We appreciate the warm welcome His Excellency extended to us during our recent visit to Malaysia, which we found to be blessed with remarkable development and achievements owing, after God, to His Excellency’s sincere and tireless efforts to maintain Malaysia's high status and progress.


“Distinguished guests,


“This national anniversary comes to renew with you the pledge of loyalty to the sacrifices of the martyrs of the homeland, who came to its aid and gave their souls to defend its sovereignty. We call on God Almighty to bestow upon them His mercy and make their abode in heaven, and for us to be guided by their path in defending our homeland and protecting its interests.


“We would also like, from this podium, to pay homage to every citizen, whatever his or her position in the fields of honor, whether on the defense fronts, or on the productivity and building fronts. We express, in particular, our thanks and appreciation to the honorees taking part in this ceremony for their outstanding contributions and endeavors to serve Bahrain. May Allah grant you all success.


“Peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.”


Following the speech, HM the King conferred medals of appreciation on national work pioneers.

Dr. Naima Isa Sabt Isa Al-Subaiti gave a speech on behalf of the honourees.


After that, HM the King and HRH the Crown Prince shook hands with the Malaysian Prime Minister, and the audience who extended to him warmest congratulations on the National Days.

Source: BNA