Israeli Occupation Forces

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) on Monday afternoon repressed a demonstration in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, who began an open hunger strike as a protest against the Israeli Prison Services.

The protest, which headed towards the 300 military checkpoint at the northern entrance of Bethlehem, central West Bnak, was violently repressed with intense amounts of teargas.

Protesters included local and international activists, school students, Palestinian associations and political parties.

About 1,600 Palestinian prisoners on  Palestinian Prisoners’ Day 17th April 2017, have started an open hunger strike lead by PLO leader, Marwan Al-Barghouthi, as a  protest calling for basic needs & rights.

The prisoners call to an end to the practice of arbitrary administrative detention, torture, ill-treatment, unfair trials, detention of children, medical negligence, solitary confinement, inhuman/degrading treatment, deprivation of basic rights such as visits and the right to education.

In addition, the prisoners are demanding end of the isolation and the administrative detention policies, providing a public phone for prisoners to communicate with their families as well as other demands related to medical treatment and family visits.

6,500 prisoners are being held in Israeli jails including 58 women, 300 children, 500 administrative detainees and 1,800 sick prisoners.