Prime minister Shinzo abe

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says Japan will play a role in devising a new environmental framework at COP21, the UN climate summit in Paris.

Abe spoke to reporters before leaving Tokyo's Haneda airport according to NHK World website on Sunday.

He said Japan wants to make a big contribution in creating a new framework in which all countries will take part for all the people of the world and future generations.

Referring to the terrorist attacks in Paris earlier this month, Abe said he would like to make the conference an opportunity for the leaders of the 120 participating nations to show their unity.

He said Japan wants to join other countries in sending a message that they will not give in to terrorism.

Abe plans to hold individual meetings with other world leaders, including French President Francois Hollande, to exchange opinions on anti-terrorism measures following the Paris attacks.

Abe is also scheduled to visit Luxembourg, which holds the current presidency of the European Union.

Sources: MENA