US Secretary of State John Kerry

US Secretary of State John Kerry will visit London to attend a meeting on the ongoing civil war in Syria. Kerry will join French and German foreign ministers for talks hosted by UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson. 

    Kerry will not arrive in London with a detailed new peace plan for Syria, but instead with what he says are "fresh ideas", according to the (BBC). On Saturday Russia and the US were joined at the peace talks in Lausanne, Switzerland, by countries who back opposing sides in the war. All the diplomats agreed to continue talking. 

    Kerry suggested there could be a new road map for a ceasefire and a political transition for the country. The talks brought no progress on an end to the bombing of Aleppo or aid for Syria's besieged towns. 

    The United Nations has warned that eastern Aleppo, where an estimated 275,000 people still live, could face "total destruction" within two months.

Source: QNA