Maha Mostafa Akeel, managing editor of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Journal, celebrated the release of her first book, “Saudi Women in the Media,” at Jeddah’s Virgin Megastore in Roshana Mall on Tuesday. Maha's friends, colleagues, relatives and prominent media personalities, including broadcaster and author Samar Fatany and Arab News Editor-at-Large Khaled Almaeena, were also present. Maha signed several copies of her book for readers. The book consists of two parts. The first is based on Akeel's research on Saudi women working in the media, the obstacles and challenges they face in their career and the influence they have. The second part analyzes developments in the Saudi media during the past four years, with a focus on women's role and women's issues covered by the media. The book is in Arabic but Akeel intends to publish it in English as well.