Hezbollah Leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday accused terrorist Takfiri groups as being mostly presumed behind the deadly blast that jolted the southern suburb region of Ruwais last night, claiming the lives of 20 and injuring hundreds of civilians. Although Nasrallah made it clear his party is not a substitute to the Lebanese state, as his rivals chide him for having established a statelet in \"Dahiyeh,\" he underscored that if the state ever fails to reach culprits, Hezbollah is up to it by itself. \"If the state neglects you, our hands will reach out to you,\" he addressed the culprits, whom he depicted as \"idiots.\" Addressing crowds of the Resistance public who had gathered in the border town of Aita Chaab to commemorate the victory of the July 2006 war, he maintained that what happened yesterday was not an assassination attempt or a targeting of a party\'s office, saying that it might have been a suicidal attack and noting that the explosives weighed more than 100 kilos. Circulated news are speaking of some 60 kilos of TNT. He condemned the silence of some states which, according to him, the coming days would show their support for terrorism, carnage, and crimes in the region. Last month, the southern suburb region of Bir Abed was rocked by an explosion that had injured at least 50 and whose author, as confirmed by Sayyed Nasrallah, was identified. Nasrallah has already declared that in addition to the Zionists, Hezbollah was now to face terrorist Takfiris as their second enemy. He said today that the battle against Hezbollah was due to the party\'s \"limited\" participation in the Syrian war, particularly in Qusayr, where anti-regime gunmen were trounced. \"You are punishing Hezbollah for its interference in Syria, [while] you are the most atrocious to the Syrian people.\" \"You idiots! Read well our 30-year experience with Israel,\" he addressed the Takfiris, adding, \"If we had one thousand fighters in Syria, they would be ten thousands now.\" In what may seem an open warfare on terrorists, Nasrallah said, \"If the battle with those terrorist Takfiris requires it, I [personally], and all Hezbollah will go to Syria.\" \"We are the ones who have the final word in the battle. Just like we have won all the battles with Israel, we will also win the battle with the Takfiri terrorism,\" Nasrallah affirmed. Moreover, he vowed a new victory against the terrorist Takfirism. \"It will be a costly battle. But it costs less than we being slaughtered like sheep.\" As tackling Ruwais blast, Nasrallah was keen to give a lowdown on all possible options, not ruling out Israel\'s redhandedness, reminding the explosions\' pledges by Takfiris, and pointed out at a possible third party seeking strife that might have taken advantage of Hezbollah\'s enmity with both Israel and Takfiris. Nasrallah saw that not just Shias and the public of the Resistance were targeted, but rather that danger was stalking entire Lebanon and all the Lebanese. \"If these blasts continue, Lebanon is on the brink of the abyss. This threat is not just for a sect of a determined group, but for all Lebanon,\" he said. He shed light on the necessity to focus on one major national goal, that is how to curb the recurrence of similar attacks, which, in his terms, have today targeted \"Dahiyeh\" but may later hit other regions. Accordingly, he explained what he termed as a two-branched roadmap to face terrorism: the state, with all its security and military services and apparatuses, must adopt preventive measures on-the-ground, and mostly, work on uncovering, besieging, catching, dismantling, and eradicating terrorist groups. He mainly said there should not be any political or security cover for them, calling people to keep aware not to slide into a sectarian strife that is being thoroughly concocted for Lebanon. Addressing politicians, he exhorted them to shirk dragging the country into civil war and to cease sectarian and confessional rhetoric. Nasrallah did not fail to stress that the Resistance was now stronger than it had ever been, cleaving to what he lauded as the \"golden equation\" of the Army-People-Resistance. He said that Lebanon would indeed enjoy its offshore gas and oil resources and that the enemy would no longer be able to continue looting them. In a strongly-worded backlash at the enemy\'s recurrent violation of the borders in the south, Nasrallah said the time of the Israeli military \"tourism\" had gone for good. Last week, a hundred of enemy soldiers fell into an ambush set by the Resistance in the border region of Labbouneh as they infiltrated some 400 meters into the Lebanese soil. Earlier this week, Sayyed Nasrallah told an interview on the pan-Arab al-Mayadeen channel that the party had prior knowledge about the infiltration and it planted the bombs that later blew up in the Israeli troops. \"It is no longer permitted that Israeli soldiers make one single step to desecrate the sanctity of our Lebanese soil. These feet will be cut off, and so will their necks!\" he promised.