Director of Bahrain News Agency, Mohannad Suleiman Al Noaimi, arrived to Beirut on Sunday to partake in the

Director of Bahrain News Agency, Mohannad Suleiman Al Noaimi, arrived to Beirut on Sunday to partake in the conference organized by the National News Agency, whereby he asserted the need to unify the voice of the Arab media to face challenges in Arab societies. 

The NNA is organizing an international conference under the title of "Media Spreading Civilizations and Connecting Dialogues." 

"Media is the official tool that contributes in the success of inter-civilizations' dialogue," said Noaimi, adding that this conference would also aid to a great extent in pinpointing the key methods through which Arab news agencies could help in said dialogue. 

"In order to bridge the gap, we need a unified media rhetoric which distances itself from sectarianism

Source: NNA