European Union Council President Donald Tusk

Poland’s Foreign Ministry has suspended one of its honorary consuls in the US after the woman posted a digitally-altered image showing European Council President Donald Tusk dressed as a Nazi German SS officer.
Polish state news agency PAP reported Sunday that further decisions regarding Maria Szonert-Binienda, recently named honorary consul in Akron, Ohio, will be decided after Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski returns from a visit to Australia. Szonert-Binienda told PAP that her social media account had been hacked.
Poland’s conservative ruling Law and Justice party is at deep odds with Tusk, a former Polish prime minister. Party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski has been a long-time political rival of Tusk.
One of Tusk’s grandfathers served briefly in the German Wehrmacht during World War II, something his political opponents have used against Tusk.

Source: Arab News