Premier calls for holding international scientific forums

 His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa today at Qudaibiya Palace received President of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (SCIA), Shaikh Abdullah bin Khalid Al Khalifa, members of the royal family and officials. 
HRH Prime Minister noted Bahrain's honorable history made by its determined people and their supportive stances to the national action march, which will remain a beacon of light for future generations. He took pride in Bahrain's pioneers whose patriotic action are source of inspiration. 

HRH Prime Minister paid tribute to the SCIA President as a historical and cultural reference whose efforts and contributions to the national action march will always be memorable. 

HRH Premier highlighted the government's efforts in developing its services and facilities in various fields, including therapeutic health, pointing out the significance of health awareness campaigns in increasing knowledge and protection from diseases of modern civilization, which have become a source of concern for countries and peoples. 

HRH Premier underlined the importance of hosting international forums specialized in diseases of modern civilization that require extensive studies and analyses to further examine their causes. He called for establishing cooperation among GCC research centers to study patterns and causes of the same diseases to reach recommendations to assist the governments in developing the best preventive and curative programs. 

He stressed the government support for holding international forums and conferences in medical, scientific and health fields to highlight the modern and important in the world of medicine and medical researches to benefit from their outcomes at the local level. He noted the government's keenness on providing therapeutic services for citizens as an important right of citizens.