President Hassan rouhani

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani awarded the negotiators of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) medals of merit in a ceremony held to salute the families of "nuclear martyrs" on Monday morning, Fars news agency reported.

The 28 members of the Iranian nuclear negotiation team, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian defense minister and the head of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization, received the top governmental awards as well as a golden plaque of appreciation.

Rouhani praised the "perseverance of the Iranian nation and the Islamic revolution," and the "honesty and integrity" of the negotiation team as well as the "prudence and resistance of Foreign Minister Zarif," in bringing the deal to fruition.

At the ceremony, Rouhani honored those who "fell protecting the country's peaceful nuclear program" by awarding the families golden plaques of honor stating that "the nation would never succumb to the powers" and that "unity is the key to all victories."

Six world powers signed the JCPOA with Iran on July 14, 2015, after holding intensive negotiation talks for nearly two years.

Source: MENA