Saudi King Abdullah’s illness has deteriorated and all members of the Al Saud family have been called to a state of alert, media reports said. According to the messages sent by the Saudi officials to their allies in the West, the health conditions of the Saudi monarch has worsened and he is struggling with death and for the same reason the Saudi royal family are in a state of alert, the Arabic-language Al-Manar news website reported. The messages of the Saudi officials also mentioned that Saudi National Guard Minister Mutaib Bin Abdullah, son of King Abdullah, has been the only person seeing the King in the past 20 days. In August, Saudi political activist Mujtahidd said the King’s illness has left the royal family members trying to bold some figures while the possibility of an uprising against the ruling system is getting more serious than ever. Mujtahidd wrote in his Twitter page that King Abdullah had postponed his return to the capital, Riyadh, due to his health problems which apparently have not shown any signs of getting better. The King didn’t even make it to the funeral of his brother Prince Musaed Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, who passed away in August, he wrote. Mujtahidd said that according to his findings, Mutaib bin Abdullah, is being prepared for a \"worse condition\" and some of the officials are trying to show the public that he is endorsed by King Abdullah. Khalid al-Tuwaijri, son of the late Abdulaziz al-Tuwaijri, one of Abdullah\'s closest associates is one of Mutaib\'s main supporters.