Donald Trump

Senator John Cornyn, the second-ranked Republican Senator in the Senate, is calling for an investigation of possible connections between President Donald Trump and Russia.

Cornyn is not alone, according to a report on CNN Tuesday. Other GOP senators are with him and are asking for former National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, to testify. Senator Roy Blunt, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee told KTRS Radio that an investigation needs to happen and that “he wanted to speak with Flynn.”

“I think everybody needs that investigation to happen. And the Senate Intelligence Committee, again that I serve on, has been given the principle responsibility to look into this, and I think that we should look into it exhaustively so that at the end of this process, nobody wonders whether there was a stone left unturned, and shouldn’t reach conclusions before you have the information that you need to have to make those conclusions,” Blunt continued.

According to the senator, the key is getting investigators talking to Flynn soon, the sooner the better. He is convinced that Flynn holds the key to many of the questions left by his resignation Monday night. Questions regarding what Flynn did and what he knew and who else, if anyone, knew something and what that might be. Blunt also wants to discover if someone else knew something and didn’t take the course of action their position required them to take.

Senator Lindsey Graham is another Republican senator revved up about an investigation. “I think Congress needs to be informed of what General Flynn said to the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions,” he told CNN during an appearance on At This Hour on Tuesday. “And I want to know, ‘Did General Flynn do this by himself or was he directed by somebody else to do it.’”

No decision has been made as to whether Flynn would testify as part of an investigation but other republicans are calling for an investigation of Flynn himself, not just the information into leaks relating to the Flynn scandal.

It’s clear that inquiring minds in the United States Senate and Congress want to know more, sense that there is more to know. What is surprising to some critics and observers is that the most vocal proponents of an investigation into the matter are coming from inside the Republican party itself.

There are vocal Democrats, however, leading the apparently bi-partisan charge. For example, Senator Mark Warner, the top Democrat on the Senate Select Committee on Intel, told CNN that America deserves to know more about Michael Flynn’s resignation. “I think it would be appropriate for Mr. Flynn now that he has resigned to testify,” Warner said, insisting that the American public has the right to know the details of the situation. “I think there is more to come on this subject,” he concluded.

Source :Morocco World News