Shaikh Nasser

First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of Youth and Sport (SCYS) and President of Bahrain Athletics Association Shaikh Khalid bin Hamad Al Khalifa congratulated his brother Personal Representative of His Majesty the King for Charity Work and Youth Affairs, SCYS Chairman and President of Bahrain Olympic Committee (BOC) Shaikh Nasser bin Hamad Al Khalifa on winning the ANOC Merit Award in Doha today. 

Shaikh Khalid said bestowing the top medal on Shaikh Nasser is an international recognition of his distinguished contribution and tremendous efforts to develop the sport movement in Bahrain in line with the directives of HM the King to upgrade the youth and sport sector. He described the honour as the dividend of Shaikh Nasser's unrelenting efforts to build up an advanced sport system which has yielded numerous achievements. He added that Shaikh Nasser has set a model of young leadership thanks to his development policy which brought about a quality leap in Bahrain sport.