President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi

Head of the Trade Agreements Sector at the Ministry of Industry and Trade Said Abdallah expected President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's visit to Spain on April 29 to attract more Spanish investments to Egypt.

Spain is Egypt's strategic partner and has positive stances regarding Egypt, he said in statements to MENA on Sunday.

The political leadership is keen on settling all problems facing foreign investors, he said, adding that Egypt can benefit from the Spanish experience in the field of electricity, transport and oil exploration.

Meantime, Head of the Egyptian-Spanish Business Council Maged el Menshawi estimated the volume of trade between the two countries at 1.6 billion euros from January till November 2014 including 600 million euros worth of Egyptian exports to Spain.

Spain's investments in Egypt mainly focus on the industrial sector, he added.

The Egyptian-Spanish business forum will be
held periodically every six months in both countries alternately with the aim of activating trade and encouraging joint investments, he said.