President of the Republic, Michel Sleiman, on Monday ratcheted up the pressure on both sides of the Lebanese divide to agree over a new cabinet formula the soonest possible, especially in light of the looming constitutional deadlines. The President\'s words came in a speech he had delivered today upon his arrival to the summer presidential residence in Beiteddine. \"Yesterday, we postponed the Parliamentary elections in a bid to come out with a new electoral law. We hope this law would see the light real soon as time is running out and we can\'t wait any longer,\" warned Sleiman. He went on to point to the fact that his repeated request to form comprehensive cabinet that gathers all the Lebanese did not mean that concerned sides were entitled to set their impossible demands, and hence encumber the cabinet formation process. \"The Lebanese constitution grants the Lebanese President and Prime Minister the right to form a cabinet as they see fit for the nation\'s best interest,\" said Sleiman. He also expressed no intention to give up his prerogative to form a cabinet amid the prevailing circumstances. Sleiman noted that there should be formed a cabinet capable of functioning in line with the national dialogue table. \"We will voice out what the people are really thinking. We\'ve had enough of lying to one another. We have to hold an honest discussion at the dialogue table,\" said Sleiman. Additionally, the President fervently condemned the way by which some of the Lebanese depicted the Lebanese state as a failure, at the time that all surrounding nations were fighting to attain the democracy that Lebanon enjoys. \"Commitment to Baabda declaration is the sole means to protect Lebanon\'s unity and stability,\" said Sleiman, adding as well that commitment to a national defense strategy facing Israel is paramount. As for the army-people-resistance formula, the President deemed it as valid as long as it\'s not controlled by one specific side, noting that the Lebanese state was the most worthy of administering this formula.