King Juan Carlos of Spain is to embark on a tour to GulfCooperation Council (GCC) countries, Kuwait and UAE between April 13-16, Omanand Bahrain by end of April, and Saudi Arabia and Qatar in May, Spanish foreignministry said on Tuesday.During his visits, the Spanish King is to head a high-level delegation that includesMinister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo, Ministerof Defense Pedro Morenes, Minister of Transport and Development Ana Pastor,Minister of Industry, Energy, and Tourism Jose Manuel Soria, and a number ofrepresentatives of top Spanish companies, said the statement.The visits fall within framework of Spain's strategic interests in a number ofcountries that are known for their dynamic economies, prompting the Spanishgovernment''''s desire to boost bilateral relations in political, economic, security,defense, and cultural fields, noted the statement. Spanish ministers' frequent visits to GCC countries in past months indicated Spain'spolitical desire to strengthen its strategic partnership with these countries, to beboosted by King Juan Carlos' tour, the statement added.