ohammed Alloush, head of a Syrian opposition delegation gestures

A meeting of an expanded Syrian opposition, which includes the Astana delegation and the Syrian Higher Negotiations Committee (HNC) started on Friday here, said Mohammad Alloush, head of the Syrian delegation to Astana talks.
The two-day meeting will review the outcome of the Astana conference, set work priorities for the coming phase and discuss preparations for the next Geneva conference, due to be held on Feb. 20. 
The Riyadh meeting comes as the Syrian opposition factions are considering who will be part of the delegation to the fourth Geneva meeting amid reports that some armed factions called for increasing the number of their representatives.
In this context, Ahmad Ramadan, the head of the National Coalition’s media office, revealed that the opposition is considering involving one or two representatives from Cairo and Moscow platforms in the delegation.
“We will push to have all these parties represented in other delegations that collectively constitute the negotiating team. I mean the supervision and guidance delegation, the direct negotiation delegation, the consultants’ delegation, the legal experts’ delegation and the media delegations,” Ramadan said.

Source: Arab News