Tanzanian President Magufuli

 Tanzanian President John Magufuli will on July 23 take over the chair of the country's ruling party -- Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), the party'official said Saturday.

Christopher Ole Sendeka, the CCM spokesman, said President Magufuli will take over as chairman of the party from former President Jakaya Kikwete at a special convention to be held in the east African nation's political capital Dodoma.

"The decision was reached today (Saturday) in a Central Committee (CC) meeting at the party's sub-headquarters in Dar es Salaam," Ole Sendeka told a news conference.

Ole Sendeka said the decision to set a schedule for handing over the chairmanship was meant to respect the party's tradition that has been observed in the past two decades.

The handing over process is to be preceded by meetings of the leadership organs of the ruling party, first preparations by the party secretariat followed by a meeting of the central committee, he said.

Former President Kikwete succeeded former President Benjamin Mkapa as chairman of the party in 2005. 

source : xinhua