Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic and NATO Secretary-General gave a joint

The Trump administration is moving to back Montenegro’s bid to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, according to senior US officials, a decision that could both bolster the Western alliance and antagonize Russia, according to The Wall Street Journal. 

The likely move would take place in a rapidly evolving political and diplomatic climate, in which President Donald Trump is steadfastly backing improved ties with Moscow but maintaining for now US strictures imposed in recent years against the Kremlin.

The Russian government has vehemently opposed Montenegro joining NATO, keeping with its longstanding opposition to the alliance’s expansion. Montenegrin officials have publicly accused the Kremlin of trying to deter its membership by instigating an attempted coup against the government in October. Moscow has denied the charge.

Formal US backing for the Balkan nation’s admission could emerge as the first flashpoint between Washington and Moscow since Trump took office, current and former US officials said. At the same time, they said, the Kremlin may believe that Mr. Trump can go only so far in moderating US policies concerning Russia and wouldn’t expect him to make a sudden, sharp reversal on a decision made by the Obama administration in 2015.

“We would have been seen as caving to Russia and reneging on a commitment already made,” said Douglas Lute, an ambassador to NATO under President Barack Obama.

Source: MENA