Trump: Obama, Clinton ‘co-founders’ of Daesh

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump called US President Barack Obama and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton “co-founders” of Daesh on Thursday, igniting fresh criticism of his inflammatory campaign style.
The New York real estate developer has previously attacked Obama and Clinton, secretary of state from 2009-13, for how the United States pulled out of Iraq after the war, saying it helped create the terrorist group that has seized swaths of Iraq and Syria.
The idea that a sitting US president created a militant group determined to kill Americans and other Westerners took that line of attack to a new level. Trump first made the assertion in a speech Wednesday night in Florida. He repeated it in an interview Thursday morning with CNBC.
His remarks followed a troubled week for the Republican candidate. Party leaders urged Trump to focus on the campaign to beat Clinton after he drew strong criticism for a persistent confrontation with the family of Muslim American soldier who died in Iraq and for his initial refusal to support prominent Republican congressional candidates in their primary races.
Recent opinion polls have shown Trump losing ground to Clinton, a former US senator and first lady, in the race for the Nov. 8 election. An average of polls by RealClearPolitics has Clinton 7.7 percentage points ahead, at 48 percent to his 40.3 percent.
“He (Obama) was the founder of ISIS (Daesh). And so was she. I mean I call them co-founders,” said Trump, who says he opposed the Iraq war. “He shouldn’t have gotten out way he got out. It was a disaster, what he did,” he told CNBC.
Obama had opposed the Iraq war and campaigned for the White House in 2008 on a promise to end it. The United States pulled out combat troops in 2011.

Source: Arab News