Kathleen "KT" McFarland is seen at her home in New York

US President-elect Donald Trump on Friday hired as a senior adviser a Republican national security veteran who first worked in the White House situation room under Richard Nixon.
As deputy national security adviser, 65-year-old Fox News commentator Kathleen Troia “KT” McFarland, will return once again to the executive mansion as number two to former general Mike Flynn.
“She has tremendous experience and innate talent that will complement the fantastic team we are assembling,” Trump said, in a statement issued from his luxury Florida golf resort.
White House national security roles do not need to be confirmed by the Senate, so McFarland will take up her duties when President Barack Obama passes Trump the baton on Jan. 20 next year.
She would in any case have been an uncontroversial choice, with decades of experience under three former Republican presidents and as a former aide to foreign policy heavyweight Henry Kissinger.

Source: Arab News