Secretary general Pan Ki-moon

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon urged on Monday world leaders to show flexibility during climate change negotiations and reach a satisfactory solution that would keep global warming below what most scientists say is the critical threshold of 2 degrees Celsius of warming.

Addressing the opening of the UN Climate Change, Ban urged world countries to divert to global economy away from pollution and to reach a durable agreement that would achieve balance between interests of developing and developed nations.

"The agreement should provide a comprehensive, long-term vision of the opportunities created by low-emission, climate-resilient development and flexible. It must be rooted in solidarity," Ban said.

He urged advanced nations to offer 100 billion annually till 2020, saying the future of planet earth is at the hands of world leaders to turn to green economy.

According to experts, a temperature rise beyond this level will cause irreversible damage to the planet by exacerbating droughts, floods, food and water shortages, affecting the most vulnerable countries first.

Sources: MENA