UN Secretary-General’s Special Adviser

The UN Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Yemen Jamal Benomar arrived on Saturday in Sana’a, where he would meet with President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi and several governmental officials and political leaders to discuss the latest developments in Yemen.

Based on the results of the meetings during the current visit, which is the 32nd to Yemen since April 2011, Benomar will prepare a brief on the situation in Yemen to be submitted to the UN Security Council session to convene on August 25, said Yemen news agency (SABA).
He hailed the launch of the works of the National Authority for Monitoring the Implementation of National Dialogue Conference’s (NDC) Outcomes, stressing that the UN would provide required support and expertise to succeed the authority’s efforts.
Benomar was appointed as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Yemen on 1 August 2012, at the level of Assistant Secretary-General. He has served as the Special Adviser on Yemen since April 2011.