US President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump has moved to mend his tumultuous relationship with the United States' spy agencies, travelling to CIA headquarters on his first full day in office and assuring officials, "I am so behind you". 

Mr Trump's decision to visit CIA headquarters just outside of Washington was aimed at making a public gesture to the intelligence officials he disparaged during the transition. 

He had repeatedly challenged the agencies' assessment that Russia meddled in the presidential race to help him win and suggested intelligence officials were behind the leak of an unverified dossier that claimed Russia had collected compromising financial or personal information about him. 

During remarks to about 400 CIA officials, Mr Trump denied he had had a feud with the intelligence community, saying it was "exactly the opposite". 

He blamed the media for creating that impression, despite the fact he made numerous public statements critical of intelligence officials. 

"There is nobody that feels stronger about the intelligence community and CIA than Donald Trump. There's nobody," he said. ---ABC News

Source :NNA