Vatican secretary of state Cardinal pietro parolin

Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin met with Egyptian Ambassador to the Vatican Hatem Sief el Nasr.

Sief el Nasr posted Parolin about the Egyptian vision pertaining to the regional and international conditions and means of overcoming challenges atop of which is the terrorism as well as violence.

They also discussed ways to achieve peace, development and justice.

The meeting took up efforts exerted by the Egyptian government to implement the road map by finalizing the parliamentary elections and holding the first session of the new House of Representatives this month.

The Egyptian diplomat underlined his country's keenness on promoting relations with the Vatican in all fields.

For his part, Parolin welcomed Sief el Nasr who was appointed as the Egyptian ambassador to the Vatican, wishing him success in his post.

He further hailed the role played by Egypt in achieving peace and stability in the Middle East region, fighting terrorism and spreading the culture of moderation.

The two sides tackled the conditions in Syria and Libya.

Sources: MENA