Develop cancer treatment vaccines

Two researchers from Arabian Gulf University (AGU) have designed antibodies to develop vaccines to treat cancer, and many other incurable diseases, which is a requirement to obtain PhD in Molecular Medicine from Al Jawhara Centre for Molecular Medicine and Inherited Disorders (AJC).

Dana Naeem Ashour, from Bahrain, and Mariam Hamad Marzouq, from Kuwait, gave presentations about their dissertations on antibodies engineering so as to develop treatment vaccines for cancer patients in the Arabian Gulf.

Ashour’s dissertation explained a unique methodology based on the use of genetic engineering and computer software, which can improve the effectiveness of antibodies and enhance it response.

This research will help in the development of immune therapies for many diseases, as it is the first study of its kind to address molecular basis of antibodies’ chemical bonds.

Marzouq’s dissertation addressed cancer patients in the Arabian Gulf and the researcher discovered new results show that people from the Arabian Gulf have unique genetic mutations private, which may be directly related to cancer.