Geneva - XINHUA
The efforts aiming at warning and fighting against non-communicable diseases, and ways to protect greater number of people against preventable diseases by the vaccination, will be among the main broached subjects during the 67th World Health Assembly, which opened Monday in Geneva. More than 3,000 delegates from 194 State members of the World Health Organisation (WHO) will debate the draft action plan for the health of new born babies and the progress achieved in the framework of the Every New-born Action Plan. They will also examine the progress made towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the role of health in the post-2015 development programme. Their debates will be also about the ways of fighting against antimicrobial resistance and the efforts to improve access to essential medicines and to reinforce the drugs regulation systems. The delegates will also focus on the progress made in the reform undertaken by the WHO. Monday's session of the meeting was open by Dr Shigeru Omi (Japan), President of the 67th World Health Assembly. The delegates will elect a new President and officers.