Organ donation association Biloba

89% of Algerians are in support of organ donation allowing patients to live better, said Thursday in Algiers Dr. Imène Souffli, Vice President of organ donation association Biloba.
Dr. Souffli stated at the 7th open days on organ donation, organized by the Association Biloba that 40% of people respondents were willing to sign up on a list of organ donors, adding that 70% know that they could give their organs to allow a sick person to continue to live normally and without pain.
These results are the fruit of an investigation of organ donation association Biloba, carried out between 2012 and 2014 on a sample of 500 people across Algiers, Setif, Oran and Tizi Ouzou.
Dr. Souffli noted, as part of the same survey, that over 30% of respondents knew neither the view of religion about it, nor the legislative and regulatory framework for organ donation.
Since its creation in 2012, the organ donation association called Biloba, activates to raise the awareness of the society about the importance of organ donation in life or after the death.