With mercury soaring high, it is essential to eat right. Summer is all about having some fun under the sun. But, the harsh sunlight and humidity is your hair, health and skin\'s worst enemy, so, it is always important to take care. And summer is a period when all in the family are susceptible to ill health. And as the mercury is rising high, precautions are needed before it creates trouble for you or your close ones. A good diet is an essential part of family health-care and summer time is no different. Eating sensibly ensures that you maintain a strong immune system and build up a strong resistance against viruses and infection and why just that, it also ensures better skin and hair! Dehydration and sunstroke are very common in summers. Hence, one should drink plenty of water, coconut water as it contains potassium which is needed to have a healthy immunity and eat lots of fruits like watermelon, muskmelon etc. that are high on water content. One must take small meals at small intervals—one should avoiding taking heavy meals. Also, it is very important to have Vitamin C thereby; citrus fruits are a must as they consist of anti-oxidants which make immune system strong to fight illness in summers. Apart from sunstroke and dehydration, gastrointestinal diseases take a toll like cases of people suffering cholera, jaundice, and diarrhea are observed a lot. So, one should avoid pani-puris, ice-candies and road-side food as a precaution. Also, one must eat lot of curd and drink buttermilk to avoid sunstroke and dehydration.