The air ambulance in kuwait

The air ambulance initiative, established by former servicemen, security veterans, and firefighters, will have a crucial impact on health services in Kuwait, providing a chance to save more lives, said a Kuwaiti official here Thursday.
Speaking to KUNA, retired air commodore and chairman of the board for Al-Safwa security and defense systems' company, Ali Al-Foudiri, said that the air ambulance initiative will help save lives of people in Kuwaiti regardless of their location.
The air ambulance initiative will enable medics to fly anywhere in the country to aid individuals in need of immediate medical attention, said the official, adding that problems like traffic jams which usually hinder the efforts of ground-bound vehicles will decimate with the presence of helicopters and aircrafts.
With the support and blessing of the government and Health Ministry, the company was able to purchase two helicopters and an aircraft, Al-Foudiri indicated, noting that the aircraft will be used to carry injured individuals in Kuwait and also send people in need of treatment to nearby medical facilities in the region and abroad.
Al-Foudiri said that the staff, in charge of flying the aircrafts and providing medical treatment, is now in a training course in the US to enhance their abilities and skills.
A facility for ground control, maintenance, and training is currently under construction, said Al-Foudiri, adding that the company, in coordination with government's recuse entities, will focus their mutual efforts to serve the people and help save lives.