Algiers - APS
The leader of Ahd 54 party and candidate to the presidential election of 17 April, AliFewzi Rebaine underlined Friday in Chlef (208-km west of Algiers) the need to revisethe health system by upgrading hospitals and revising the medicines policy.Rebaine deplored the deterioration of the health system in Algeria, stressing theneed to "upgrade the existing hospitals and build new regional hospitals."He promised to address the claims of physicians and medical staff by providinghem with all necessary means to enable them to work in the best possibleconditions."I commit to providing doctors, if elected, with the necessary material and financialmeans, including a good salary and decent housing, particularly those who decide towork in the South or the High Plateaux," he said.The candidate of Ahd 54 party proposed in his electoral programme quality trainingfor all the medical staff, the improvement of medical skills and research and therevision of the medicines policy.Rebaine has also pledged to reduce the medicines import bill and encourageinvestment in the field through the development of biotechnology in partnershipwith foreign laboratories.