Yes, it is a myth that almonds will make you fat, provided you don't consume them in excess. It is said that almonds are the most nutritious of all nuts. Infact, when eaten in moderation, almonds are can be quite beneficial for health, simply because they are full of good nutrients. Because almonds contain calcium, potassium and magnesium, they help in regulating blood pressure and prevent osteoporosis. Almonds do contain fats, but of the right kind. Besides antioxidants, they contain monounsaturated and some polyunsaturated fats, which tend to lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL), also known as the bad cholesterol. Almonds also contain vitamin E that can prevent heart diseases and slow the process of ageing. They are good for the skin and hair too. Folic acid present in almonds can lower homocystein levels in the body. The accumulation of fatty plaque deposits in the arteries are prevented to some extent by amino acids. The best thing about eating almonds is that they are a versatile variety of dried fruit. You can either eat them whole or sliced and sprinkle over dishes as a garnish. Eating a handful of almonds as a snack can keep hunger away as they are a good source of protein. Try these simple tips to include almonds as a regular part of your diet: Whip blanched almonds in a food processor to form a smooth paste. You can add this paste to your sauces and soups as well. Sprinkle sliced almonds over your salads, oatmeal porridge, cereal or muesli. Roast almonds, to make them crunchy as this also enhances their taste. Eat these as a snack.