Abu Dhabi - Arab Today
Thirty-four local, Arab and international artists donated 39 pieces of their artworkwhich helped raise Dh1.3 million.Dr Manal Taryam, CEO of Noor Dubai Foundation, said: "Our programmes incountries of need are not limited to restoration of sight; we also support patientswho are unable to afford eye medication and glasses with an aim to prevent furtherdeterioration of their condition. Through this programme we hope to make apositive difference to their lives and the lives of their family members. Providing thegift of sight aids both economic and social development in countries of need.”She highlighted that the funds raised through this exhibition will mainly be used for Noor Dubai's "Trachoma Elimination” programme in Ethiopia as well as for thescreening programme for the elderly in Northern Emirates. Dr Taryam said that apanel discussion took place on the second day of the exhibition. The discussion washeld with eminent personalities including Badr Jafar, managing director of theCrescent Group, Manal Ataya, director-general of Sharjah Museums Department, ElSeed, calligraphy and graffiti artist and moderated by Shaikh Sultan bin Saud AlQasimi, founder and chairman of Barjeel Securities and managing director of Al-Saud Co. The panel discussion was held under the title, "Supporting humanitarianefforts through art.”Participating artists included Najat Makki, Tagalsir Hassan, El Seed and Samir AlSafadi. Sheikha Lateefa bint Maktoum's artwork Oral Tradition was among theunique pieces of artwork at the exhibition. Source: Khaleej Times