Manama - BAN
Plans to construct a college of hospitality and a vocational testing centre today won initial approval. The projected schemes were on the agenda of a key meeting chaired by Deputy Premier Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al-Khalifa, head of the Ministerial Committee for Services and Infrastructure. Labour Minister Jameel bin Mohammed Ali Humaidan outlined the projects in a memo submitted to the session. The panel endorsed the projects, assigning the Municipalities and Urban Planning Ministry to allocate land plots for the planned facilities, pending results of a feasibility study which will be submitted to the Cabinet for further scrutiny. According to updated figures, the rate of Bahrainisation in the hospitality sector dropped 33 per cent to 16%. Meanwhile, the number of expatriate employees working in the hospitality sector topped 9,500. The planned vocational testing centre will assess expatriates' skills and issued them with necessary certificates. The committee tasked Municipalities and Urban Planning Minister Dr. Jumaa bin Ahmed Kaabi to hire a company specialised in domestic waste management. Based on studies, Mr. Humaidan expects the hospitality sector to achieve growth in the few coming years, which will generate work opportunities for young jobseekers. Deputy Premier Shaikh Khalid bin Abdulla Al-Khalifa gave directives to fast-track work on the sanitary projects in old areas, particularly in East Riffa. Chairing the session in the presence of committee members, he affirmed the commitment of the Government, led by His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa, to provide premium services and ensure citizens decent living conditions, stressing particularly health and environment-related services. He assigned concerned official to study the remarks submitted by East Riffa residents regarding the upgradation of the sanitary network to keep pace with increasing consumption and spare the area any environmental problems resulting from stagnating rainwater and sanitary network overflowing. Works Minister Essam bin Abdulla Khalaf update the committee on steps being undertaken to assess the competence on the infrastructure across Bahrain – particularly in rainy season. The technical difficulties hampering the East Riffa sanitary project topped the agenda of the meeting. The contractor failed to complete the project on January 22 due to the rocky nature of the land and the difficulty of moving equipment, achieving 45% of the scheme only. A new contracting company has been commissioned to finalize the multi-phased infrastructure project according to plans. Other key issues also featured on the meeting of the Ministerial Committee for Services and Infrastructure.