Minister of Industry and Commerce, Dr. Hassan Abdullah Fakhroo received today a group of senior officials of Japanese SBI Pharmaceuticals Co., including Dr. Najeeb Al-Rihani Vice-President for Research Affairs and International Development, Satofumi Kawata, representative of the President and CEO of Operations.The group also included Dr. Tohru Tanaka Director at the Company, Tomokatsu Ichikawa the Director General of the Company, Bahrain Branch, Hamad Al-Mahmeed, the Regional Director, in presence of businessman Abdul Hussain Diwani.The minister welcomed the group and expressed the pride of Kingdom of Bahrain to host tens of major and various international and regional projects, highlighting the suitable infrastructure and the protective legislations for investments, in addition to the great facilities offered by the government of Kingdom of Bahrain to investors.The minister also praised the valuable efforts of the leaderships and governments of both countries which are represented in the exchanged visits and activities, and recently crowned with the kind visit of HM the King to Japan, accompanied by a high economic delegation chaired by Minister of Industry and Commerce.The minister pointed out that the visit of HM the King recently to Japan has contributed in consolidating the economic relations, which resulted in many industrial projects and trade partnerships.The minister lauded the distinctive technical standard of the products of SBI, saying that they are of high quality, asserting the keenness of Kingdom of Bahrain to offer all the necessary facilities for SBI to establish its regional headquarters in Bahrain.For their part, the officials at the Japanese SBI appreciated all the efforts provided by Government of Bahrain, and Ministry of Industry and Commerce which play an effective role in attracting foreign investments, asserting their desire to expand their works in the region, considering Bahrain their launching base for their regional operations.