A new centre specialised in treating genetic blood diseases will open on February 27, it was announced. His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa will patronise the inauguration of the new medical milestone The construction of the Blood Disorders Centre following directives from HRH the Premier as part of efforts to ensure premium medical services for sickle cell (anemic) patients. In a statement today, Health Minister Sadiq bin Abdulkarim Al-Shehabi announced the soft opening of the health facility. "Anemic patients will be accommodated gradually in the coming period to ensure the smooth flow and premium medical services", he said, urging patients to strictly commit to prescribed therapeutic steps. Ministry's experts and advisors expect the operating budget to average BD3,3 million once the 90-bed works at full capacity. The minister said that the construction of the BD4.5 million Blood Disorders Centre would provide quality medical services and care to alleviate anemic patients' suffering. The ministry has hired a British medical team for two months to diagnose patients with anemia and provide them with the required treatment. The British specialists will provide proposals to develop the centre in the future and link it with British universities to ensure training for Bahraini doctors. The four-storey centre, which includes 128 employees in various specialties, will operate round the clock.