New research shows that what you eat has a very powerful effect on how you look. Eating the right kind of food can make your skin look radiant. A lot of research has found that certain nutrients make you look more attractive. So, here goes the list of 'cool' foods for your 'hot' looks. Pumpkin seeds: Pumpkin seeds have lots of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps slow down skin ageing, and those omega-3 fatty acids that keep your skin smooth and your hair shiny. Pumpkin seeds are packed with zinc. Studies also have shown them to reduce the appearance of acne and other skin problems. Oranges: Want to look like Jennifer Aniston? Then have your regular share of oranges. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that mops up free radicals, such as those produced by overexposure to the sun, that lead to the premature ageing of skin. It also contains bioflavonoid, which promotes stronger collagen in the skin. The more collagen you have in your skin, the firmer and more elastic it will be. Beans: Being high in protein, beans should be a regular feature in your diet. They are also very lean. Beans also provide the fatty acids your nails need to stay strong and prevent splitting. Eggs are also excellent source of protein. Having them regularly will give you your regular dose of protein. Green tea : For nothing, the Chinese people boast of lovely skin. Green tea hydrates you. It is loaded with antioxidants that have been shown to protect skin from sun damage; and it has an active ingredient that promotes a healthy metabolism. So instead of having cups of coffee, switch over to green tea. And see the difference. Tomatoes: Tomatoes are full of fiber and vitamin A, which aids in the development of skin cells and the maintenance of skin cell health. A vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry skin. And tomatoes have lots of lycopene, which studies have shown helps protect the skin from UV stress.