Breast cancer experts are cheering what could be some of the biggest advances in more than a decade: two new medicines that significantly delay the time until women with very advanced cases get worse. In a large international study, an experimental drug from Genentech called pertuzumab held cancer at bay for a median of 18 months when given with standard treatment, versus 12 months for others given only the usual treatment. It also strongly appears to be improving survival, and follow-up is continuing to see if it does. \"You don\'\'t see that very often. ... It\'\'s a spectacular result,\" said one study leader, Dr. Sandra Swain, medical director of Washington Hospital Center\'\'s cancer institute. In a second study, another drug long used in organ transplants but not tried against breast cancer everolimus, sold as Afinitor by Novartis AG kept cancer in check for a median of 7 months in women whose disease was worsening despite treatment with hormone-blocking drugs. A comparison group that received only hormonal medicine had just a 3-month delay in disease progression. Afinitor works in a novel way, seems \"unusually effective\" and sets a new standard of care, said Dr. Peter Ravdin, breast cancer chief at the UT Health Science Center in San Antonio. He has no role in the work or ties to drugmakers. Most patients have tumors like those in this study their growth is fueled by estrogen. Results were released Wednesday at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium and some were published online by the New England Journal of Medicine. They come a few weeks after federal approval was revoked for another Genentech drug, Avastin, that did not meaningfully help breast cancer patients. It still is sold for other tumor types. The new drugs are some of the first major developments since Herceptin came out in 1998. It has become standard treatment for a certain type of breast cancer. The new drugs are likely to be very expensive up to $10,000 a month and so far have not proved to be cures. Doctors hope they might be when given to women with early-stage cancers when cure is possible, rather than the very advanced cases treated in these studies. The drug targets cells that make too much of a protein called HER2 about one of every four or five breast cancer cases. Herceptin attacks the same target but in a different way, and the two medicines complement each other. The study tested the combination in 808 women from Europe, North and South America and Asia and found a 6-month advantage in how long the cancer stayed stable. All women also received a chemotherapy drug, docetaxel. So far, 165 deaths have occurred 96 among the 406 women given Herceptin and chemo alone, and only 69 among the 402 women also given pertuzumab. Doctors won\'\'t know whether the drug affects survival until there are more deaths. The most common side effects were diarrhea, rash and low white blood cell counts, which often occur with cancer treatment. The dual treatment did not cause more heart problems an issue with other Herceptin combinations. Another study is testing pertuzumab in 3,800 women with early breast cancer. Genentech says it has not set a price for pertuzumab, but sells Herceptin for $4,500 a month to doctors, who mark it up and add fees to infuse it. Herceptin\'\'s US patent expires in 2019, so combination treatment might be more affordable once generic Herceptin is available. \"Pertuzumab is a winner\" and should win government approval, said Dr. Eric Winer of the Dana-Farber cancer center. Dr. Gary Lyman, a treatment effectiveness researcher at Duke University, called the results \"quite impressive,\" unlike what turned out to be the case for Avastin. He was on an FDA panel that recommended accelerated approval for Avastin as well as the recent panel that urged revoking its use for breast cancer because later studies did not bear out its early promise. (QNA) LY