Swarms of Asian ladybugs, an insect known to bite and emit a foul odor, have invaded southern Ontario and are making their way into urban areas, officials said. In the fall, the multicolored and spotted ladybugs looks for places with stable temperatures, such as homes, to survive the winter, Carleton University entomologist Jeff Dawson said told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. The Asian ladybug, first brought to North America from Japan in 1988 to serve as an aggressive species for insect control, doesn\'t face much threat in its natural habitats, he said. \"Being an introduced species, they tend not to have the same predators,\" Dawson said, \"so their numbers tend to explode at certain times of year.\" The insect\'s bite can come as a surprise to people who do not expect ladybugs to be aggressive, he said. The best way to eliminate them is by using warm, soapy water where they have gathered, he said.