yellow fever

 The Brazilian state of Minas Gerais on Friday declared a state of emergency after 38 people were suspected to have died of yellow fever.

The state has reported 133 suspected cases of yellow fever as of Friday.

There were 20 cases that tested positive for the disease.

State Gov. Fernando Pimentel declared the sanitary state of emergency in three regions comprising 152 towns, making it easier to acquire medicine and hire the necessary services.

So far, all cases have been limited to rural areas.

Brazil has not had a case of yellow fever in urban areas since 1942. Still, in several areas of the country, the disease is considered prevalent enough that tourists have been warned to vaccinate before their visit.

The government of Minas Gerais is carrying out a large-scale vaccination program in several areas, and announced an investment of 26 million reais (8 million U.S. dollars) to fight against the spread of the disease.

Yellow fever is an acute viral disease which can kill a sufferer in less than a week if not treated timely. It is mainly transmitted by the bite of an infected female mosquito.

source: Xinhua