Stella Strickland would have never imagined that two years after being diagnosed with advanced breast cancer she would be \"celebrating survival.\" Today is the 24th annual National Cancer Survivors Day, a time when cancer survivors, their families and thousands of health professionals around the world celebrate and reflect on life after cancer. Two years ago, Stella, 51, felt a lump in her right breast, and on another occasion she woke up feeling dizzy one night and bumped into a poster on the wall  all signs that she chose to ignore. \"I used to have mammograms every other year and knew I had cysts in my breast, but never thought it was serious,\" she recalled. \"A few months later, my niece who lives with me, told her mother about my situation. She told her ‘she complains of pain yet doesn\'t go to a doctor.\' Stella went for an ultrasound. \"One day I received a phone call from the hospital, telling me the doctor would like to see me.\" When Stella visited the doctor, she was told that she had a malignant 5.6cm tumour. \"The doctor told me that I didn\'t have much time, and that I have to start treatment immediately.\" Stella decided to travel abroad to seek treatment. She went through eight chemotherapy sessions, and a mastectomy. Despite losing her hair during chemotherapy and being forced to wear a wig and scarves, Stella stood strong and admitted to co-workers and friends that she had breast cancer. Stella works as head of human resources at the Abu Dhabi Airports Company. \"My lesson from this? There\'s hope and never give up. I always considered cancer as a medical condition that will heal with time and now I\'m cancer-free. As long as I go for my mammograms every six months, and conduct self-examinations I\'ll be just fine,\" she said. The National Cancer Survivors Day is an annual event that began in 1987 and is one of the fastest growing annual cancer survivor events. It is organised by the non-profit National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation which supports hospitals, support groups, and cancer-related organisations and is normally held on the first Sunday in June. For more information or to locate an event in your area, contact the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation on 615-794-3006 or visit From / Gulf News