We live in denial mode when encountering grave health conditions. Young women, for instance, ignore recommended health checkups and screenings. Unfortunately, cancer attacks one with mild, almost easy to ignore, symptoms. Also, there is a common disbelief associated with cancer - that it can only affect the older population, or those born into families where cancer is prevalent. Wrong. Here's what Dr Bhawna Sirohi, Head - Medical Oncology at Artemis Health Institute, Gurgaon has to say about 10 such cancer warning signs that usually go ignored by women, but shouldn't. Unexplained weight loss, loss of appetite or weakness or fatigue: If you are losing weight despite a normal appetite or if you have loss of appetite lasting more than a few weeks with no inter-current illness, you must see a doctor. If you are feeling tired and fatigues most of the time despite adequate rests for more than a few weeks, then also you must consult a physician. Any oral ulcer that refuses to heal: If you have a mouth ulcer or a white plaque in the mouth which has not healed for more than 3 weeks, then you must consult a doctor. If you use any form of tobacco (smoked or smokeless), stop that. This may be associated with constant irritation due to mal-aligned teeth; you must see a dentist and have the problem sorted as soon as possible as constant irritation to the buccal mucosa can also lead to problems. Difficulty in swallowing: If you have difficulty swallowing solids and liquids, that is progressively getting worse then you must consult a physician. This may be as simple as a fungal infection but can also be cancer and if detected early, is curable. Swollen neck nodes, nodes in underarms or any other abnormal swellings in the body: Knowing how your body normally looks and feels can help you spot any early changes that could be caused by cancer. You should see your doctor if you notice a lump anywhere in your body. It can be useful to tell them how long it's been there and whether it is getting bigger, or causes discomfort. Cancerous lumps are often (but not always) painless. It is important to remember that lumps and bumps often occur in the body, and most of these will not be cancer. Any lump in breast, nipple discharge: Breast self-exam is an important tool and all women should know how to examine their breast and what they normally feel like. You know your body best! If there is a new lump or nipple discharge, then you must consult a physician. Long standing cough with or without expectoration or Hemoptysis or haorase voice: There are many medical conditions that can cause 'chesty' symptoms like coughing and breathlessness (for example, infections and inflammations), but in some cases these symptoms may be a sign of lung cancer. If you have a cough or feel breathless for more than two weeks you should see your doctor. You should also tell your doctor if you have any blood in your sputum (phlegm) when you cough. Bloating, change in bowel habit, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding or blood in stool: Symptoms of bowel cancer may include blood in your stools (bowel motion) or abdominal pain. The blood would usually be dark but can be bright red in colour. Fresh, bright red blood is usually a sign of piles (haemorrhoids). You may notice a change in your normal bowel pattern (such as diarrhoea or constipation) for no obvious reason. You might have a feeling of not having emptied your bowel properly after a bowel motion. Bleeding: Any unexplained bleeding is a sign that there is something wrong. As previously mentioned, bleeding from the back passage is most commonly caused by piles, but can sometimes be due to cancer of the bowel or rectum. Cancer of the womb or cervix can cause women to bleed between periods or after sex. Women who have any vaginal bleeding after they have had their menopause should see their doctor. If necessary your doctor will refer you to a gynecologist. Blood in your urine may be caused by bladder or kidney cancer. It can also be caused by infection. If you notice blood in your urine it is important to see yourdoctor for a check-up. Moles: -Asymmetry. Melanomas /skin cancer are likely to be irregular or asymmetrical. -Border Moles usually have a well-defined regular border. -Colour of the moles tend to be a single brown, black, red, pink, white or a bluish tint. -Size Melanomas are usually more than 7mm in diameter. Itching, crusting or bleeding: These are less common signs but should not be ignored. It is important to see your doctor if you have any unusual marks on the skin that last more than a few weeks, or an existing mole which shows any of the above signs. If necessary they will arrange for you to see a doctor who specialises in skin conditions (a dermatologist) or a surgeon