Wang Min

A Chinese envoy Friday called for joint international efforts to fight Ebola, saying the epidemic has become a common non-traditional security challenge to the international community.
"We are currently very worried about the deterioration of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa," Wang Min, China's deputy permanent representative to the UN, told a meeting of the 69th Session of the UN General Assembly on Africa's development.
"The international community must join hands to help the West African countries cope with the Ebola epidemic," he said, adding that, "Countries should increase assistance to Africa to help it enhance capacity building in public health."
It is necessary to send more medical personnel and experts to the affected area, provide protective gears and materials, help treat the affected, improve the screening and testing capability and help local communities in Ebola prevention and control, he added.
The Chinese government will continue to work with West African countries to fight Ebola "until the final victory," Wang noted.
The Ebola disease has killed 4,555 people since the world's worst outbreak on record began in West Africa in March, with Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone being the worst-hit countries, the World Health Organization said in a report on Friday.
During the Asia-Europe Meeting Summit in Milan, Italy, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said that China will provide at least 100 million RMB (16 million U.S. dollars) worth of additional aid to help West Africa fight the deadly disease, including 60 ambulances, 100 motorcycles, 10,000 prevention care packages, 150,000 sets of personal protective equipment.
In addition, Li said, China will send dozens of experts and plan to train 10,000 health care workers and community prevention and control personnel.
Wang noted the Chinese government has lent a helping hand to African countries at the very beginning of the Ebola outbreak.
"In April, August and September, humanitarian aid with a total amount of 234 million RMB has been provided to West African countries, including protective treatment supplies, food and cash assistance," he said.
As for Africa's development, Wang said "the development of Africa can help achieve global prosperity" as it "is an integral part of international cooperation for development."
The Chinese envoy called on the international community to attach great importance to and carry out cooperation with Africa from a strategic height.
China will continue to support the New Partnership for Africa's Development, an African Union strategic framework for pan-African socio-economic development, and make greater contributions to promoting the development and prosperity of Africa, he said.
China will also support Agenda 2063, another framework formulated by the African Union for Africa's development, he added.
Enhancing unity and cooperation with African countries has always been an important cornerstone of China's foreign policy, he said. "No matter how the international situation changes, China will always stand firmly with African brothers."