The Dubai Health Authority announced today key statistical results revealing the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) factors among the population of Dubai. The results, which are part of the Dubai Household Health Survey, highlight the extent to which the population of Dubai is prone to developing cardiovascular diseases and the groups which are most susceptible to it. The survey was based on interviews of 5,000 respondents in Dubai and was jointly conducted by the DHA and the Dubai Statistics Centre Laila Al Jassmi, CEO of Health Policy and Strategy Sector at the DHA, said, \"The results reveal that one in four individuals in Dubai have preventable CVD risk factors such as hypertension, high cholesterol or are smokers, thus strongly advocating the need for the community to alter their lifestyle and cut down on unhealthy eating habits as well as reduce tobacco use. \"Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in the Emirate of Dubai, with one in every five deaths is attributable to cardiovascular diseases.\" Previous results revealed by the survey highlighted that only 19 per cent of Dubai\'s population gets sufficient amount of exercise which is required to stay healthy. \"The lack of exercise coupled with unhealthy lifestyle choices has put a significant percentage of the Emirate\'s population at a risk of developing cardiovascular disease,\" said Al Jassmi. \"The survey results will help us develop policies and programs targeting the groups that are most vulnerable to developing CVD risk factors\" said Al Jassmi. Dr. Eldaw Abdalla Sulieman, Head of Research and Performance Management in DHA\'s Health Policy and Strategy Sector, said \" It is a known fact that CVD is a leading cause of mortality globally and because CVD is trigged by a host of lifestyle related diseases like obesity, hypertension and tobacco use, the underlying cause of CVD needs to be tackled. There is an urgent need for the community to come together at all levels and create awareness about the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.\" He said there is a clear link between lack of education and increase in risk of CVDs. \"The prevalence of CVD risk factors decreases significantly with the educational level where the prevalence among non educated (39%) is nearly twice the level observed among people with university and above education (21%). \" Dr. Sulieman highlighted the key findings as follows: Key Findings on Cardiovascular Risk Factors from Dubai Household Health Survey: (ALL Residents of Dubai) 1. One in every four of the population of Dubai has a preventable cardiovascular (CVD) risk factor such as smoking, hypertension and high cholesterol (hyperlipidemia). 2. The prevalence of preventable CVD risk factors among men is twice (28.3%) the level observed for women (14.5%). 3. The prevalence of preventable CVD risk factors increases significantly with age and reaches its highest level (44%) at age 60 and above. 4. The chance of developing preventable CVD risk factors in individuals 60 and above is 7 times that of a younger individual (18-24 age group). 5. Individuals in highest income group are 1.3 times more likely to develop preventable CVD risk factors. 6. The prevalence of preventable CVD risk factors decreases significantly with the educational level where the prevalence among non educated (39%) is nearly twice the level observed among people with university and above education (21%). (UAE Nationals) 7. The prevalence of preventable CVD risk factors among UAE Nationals is nearly one in every three (29%). 8. The prevalence of preventable CVD risk factors is higher among UAE National men (33%) as compared to UAE National women (24%). 9. The prevalence of preventable CVD risk factors increases significantly with age among both sexes. Currently, 66% of the UAE National Males aged 60 and above have preventable CVD Risk factors compared to 63.5% among UAE National Females aged 60 and above. 10. The chance of developing preventable CVD risk factors is significantly higher among non educated UAE Nationals (63% for males compared to 55% for females UAE Nationals) and the prevalence decreases with higher level of education. 11. UAE Nationals from middle-income groups are significantly less likely to have CVD risk factors.